Pablo E. Gutiérrez-Fonseca, PhD

My research interest is focused on tropical stream ecology, assessing stream dynamics in forested and urban areas. I use a variety of approaches including broad-scale geographic studies, long-term temporal variability and multiple taxonomic groups to understand how climatic phenomena (e.g., drought, ENSO, hurricanes) impact aquatic ecosystems. My research on freshwater ecosystems integrates the social, political and economic realities faced by the diversity of users of this invaluable resource. To achieve these broad aims, I maintain a variety of national and international partnerships across agencies and institutions including governmental, local, regional and international non-governmental organizations and universities.

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Lecturer (Part-Time)
Rubenstein School of Environment and Natural Resources
University of Vermont, Burlington, VT 05405, USA

Contact: pabloe.gutierrezfonseca [dot]

Grad students

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Esteban Cañas

University of Costa Rica

Research Interest:

My main interest is to support in the efforts of understanding seasonal tropical dry forest species dynamics and sorting in space, while hopefully raising awareness for the conservation of this particular life zone. My research is focused on stream macroinvertebrate's metacommunity structure across the landscape, and in the implementation of mathematical models through the use of computational tools as well as developing new software to aid and promote research in the area.

Thesis title:


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Christina Linkem, MSc

Fulbright Fellow

Research Interest:

For my Fulbright research, I will describe how stream fish community assemblage and trophic structure varies based on land use intensity-from agricultural inputs to undisturbed natural ecosystems-in the Caribbean Lowlands of Costa Rica. Results from this study will help to allow for the use of fish species as indicators of stream quality. Through strategic dissemination and communication of these results, I hope to encourage the public to engage in the assessment of their local streams and nurture a general interest in aquatic sciences.


Jack Perugini (2022-). University of Vermont.
Alejando Oviedo (2020-2022). University of Costa Rica.